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Every load of laundry releases millions of plastic microfibers into the ocean.

Click here to add a simple filter to your washing machine!

  September 2017

"Millions of Fabric Microfibers Go into the Ocean... Daily."

"Microfibers make up 85% of human-made debris on shorelines around the world."

September 2016

Your Ocean.

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Microfibers are non-biodegradable micro-plastic threads less than 1/5 the diameter of a human hair. They end up becoming what we call lint. They come from many sources, but primarily from the synthetic clothes we wear and wash. Microfibers shed from our clothing and are released into laundry machines (both washers and dryers). While many are captured in a dryer’s lint trap, microfibers from the washing machine discharge with the waste water before the dryer and ultimately get into our food and water supply. 



Waste water treatment plants and septic systems do not capture most microfibers. Every year, roughly 1 million tons of microfibers are discharged into the environment in waste water and sewage sludge that is used as fertilizer. Neither the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or State environmental agencies have any regulatory limits for microfibers, so it is not illegal for them to be present in your water or food. These microfibers were recently found in 93% of the bottled water and 80% of the tap water tested on five continents. As much as 85% of the micro-plastics generated along the planet's coastlines are actually microfibers. As these tiny pieces of plastic add up by the ton in our water and in our food, they pose a tremendous danger to both wildlife and humans. For more detailed information about microfibers, click here. 


A lint trap for your washing machine. Because while your dryer traps some lint, typically thousands of microfibers come off our clothes in the wash before the dryer. For instance a single fleece jacket can shed approximately 250,000 microfibers each time it is washed. The best and easiest fix is a lint filter made for your washing machine's drain hose that is on the market called the Filtrol 160 that has been used for years by plumbing conscious homeowners to keep their pipes and septic systems clear of debris build up. It is easily installed. It has no moving parts. It doesn't need power, and mounts on almost any surface next to your existing washing machine. This simple filter is fine enough to capture thousands of microfibers before they get into the waste water leaving your home. To order the Filtrol 160, click here.

Who we are: We are an alliance of non-profit organizations including California Coastkeepers Alliance, Surfrider, Heal The Bay, Greenpeace, 5 Gyres, Californians Against WasteThe San Francisco Estuaries Institute, and the Plastic Pollution Coalition. We are trying to tackle the issue of microfibers released into the environment from laundry machines. 


What we are doing: We are testing through scientists and graduate students technologies to determine what is best at removing microfibers from your washing machine effluent. To date, we believe that the Filtrol 160 is the most efficient and economical answer. As an alliance of environmentally concerned voices, we are also working towards permanent solutions through technological advances in washing machines, as well as advocating legislation that would require microfiber filtration in washing machines starting in California.


Ordering a Filtrol 160 Microfiber Filter:  The manufacturer, Wexco Environmental, has priced the Filtrol 160 for this website to include FREE SHIPPING, and A LIFETIME WARRANTY (the manufacturer link should say "free shipping" in the tab, if not just use the word "microfiber" where it says coupon code). Most home owners can easily install it without the need for a plumber. It also works with an average of one filter replacement each 6 months with regular filter clearings running about half as much as clearing the dryer's lint filter. 

Save septic line cleaning bills: By filtering out microfibers, you can also save hundreds of dollars in plumbing and septic maintenance. Over 30,000 Fitrol 160s have been installed world-wide.

Each purchase supports this campaign. A portion of every Filtrol 160 sold is donated directly to the alliance of non-profits mentioned above with California Coast Keepers as the group's leading voice. We hope you will talk about this issue and help us spread the word about microfibers through social media etc.

What we leave behind today is what future generations will receive tomorrow .



Microfibers—less than 1% of the thickness of a human hair—seen here under extreme


The Filtrol 160 water filter attaches at the end of the wash cycle and removes small harmful microfibers that shed and fall off most clothing and fabrics today.

Filtrol on website with plant logo.jpg

* Location - The Filtrol 160 Lint Filter is approximately 15” tall, from the top fitting to the bottom,  9" wide and projects about 8" from the wall  You will not want to install the Filtrol 160™ under a low hanging cabinet. This could interfere with the removal of the filter for cleaning. You will need to have a minimum of 24 inches to be able to remove the canister from the wall mounted bracket, and still have proper drainage.  If possible, the top of the Filtrol-160™ should not exceed 60 inches. Discharge hose can be routed to a standpipe, laundry tub or wall box.

*The space you need:

(3 examples of common laundry drains)

Quick and Easy Install Video

Stand Pipe
Utility Sink
Outlet Box


Important links:

Some of the lastest microfiber proposed legislations:



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